The main challenge facing today’s women is how to combine career and family. No matter how we, the working generation of the fair sex, do not say that self-fulfillment is important, that we need to get on our feet, to find a “decent dad”, few people are always finally ready for a new family member. Here we have to decide how to combine work and raising a child, and whether it should be combined at all. On the one hand there are grandmothers and nannies who can help, on the other – the guilt, because the child needs a mother. In the end, no matter how you delay the moment of decision, you need to make up your mind. If you do not make a choice, then, sitting at home with a child, you will be annoyed – because you lose the time you could devote to work, and being at work, you will worry about what you see the child only in the evenings and spend little time with him.
Why does this dissonance arise and why do many people get depressed? To some extent, society is to blame for this, which imposes too many roles on women: mother, wife, hostess, ideal colleague, caring friend, understanding daughter, etc. And all of this is desirable to show every day! At the same time not forgetting to give time to themselves, because “who needs you, ungroomed and without personal interests?” Under the burden of responsibility for herself, her family, personal, spiritual and career growth, a woman is trapped. To keep the balance between all spheres, you have to constantly pedal. Just give weakness – immediately the feeling of guilt emerges.
For consultations with a psychologist women are increasingly turning to the question: “Working mom – is it ok or not really?”
Here’s how it’s explained in terms of psychology:
First, any mother understands that a child will change her life, and therefore already during pregnancy makes plans and desires accordingly.
Secondly, even without being around the baby 24 hours a day, the mother still intuitively understands the baby’s needs and fulfills them.
What we are getting at: it is absolutely real, possible, and even necessary to plan your time with your child in such a way that he feels your attention, you were in the moment, here and now, giving energy, time and energy to him. We are talking about the quality of time spent, which is more important than the quantity!
Psychologist’s advice: at least half an hour a day of quality time with your child is enough for him to feel your care. Moreover, if you sit with your child 24/7 “for a tick” – you start to get annoyed, to swear at him, at her husband, at everyone around.
Become a friend for your child, so he knew: you can rely on you, you can trust. Keep promises, admit your mistakes, and most importantly – keep his secrets. Then the quality of your communication will be established from childhood, even if you spend together only in the evenings.
Moreover, a working mom – a great example for the child. He sees that his mother is developing, not sitting still, he looks up to you. It is interesting to talk to you (of course, if you are not absorbed in the work at home and do not sit with a laptop all the time).
If the circumstances are such that you need to work almost from the baby, and there is no time to even sit in the maternity bed for six months, discover the world of freelancing and telecommuting. Now there are an incredible number of ways for moms to make money from home! Writing texts, running brand social networks, helping in online stores, doing translations – you can learn it all on your own and make money while giving your time to your child.